Bridging the Training Gap with Hybrid Learning

In this on-demand session we discussed how to bridge the gap between classroom and virtual training by using hybrid learning.

[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1469468301168{margin-top: 40px !important;margin-bottom: -10px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]As learning organizations are continually tasked with making their training programs more efficient, better performing and more economical, many turn to the convenience and cost savings of virtual learning. But this often comes at the expense of the learning experience and overall effectiveness of training – leaving training professionals feeling like they have to choose between the superior learning experience of classroom training and convenience of virtual learning.

In this webinar we discussed how to bridge the gap between classroom and virtual training by using hybrid learning. Watch now to learn:

  • What hybrid learning is
  • Best practices of using hybrid learning to provide a better overall learning experience
  • How to get started with hybrid learning

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About Our Speaker: Hugh McCullen

As President of MicroTek, Hugh is responsible for expanding the customer services portfolio and global presence while accelerating the company’s ability to provide best-in-class training solutions designed to enhance the learner experience.

His goals are to build upon MicroTek’s core strengths: superior experience management , effective training and communication solutions delivered with exemplary customer support. Hugh will continue to position MicroTek as trusted partner of choice, with focus on providing speed and flexibility for training, meeting and event management to help customers evolve non-core services into strategic assets.

Prior to joining MicroTek in 2014, Hugh served as the General Manager of Collaboration Solutions at Avaya, where he led the global team of business development, sales, engineering, customer service, training and marketing experts. Hugh has a proven track record in identifying and capitalizing on market opportunities that scale globally and promote user experience and enhance communication. Hugh also served as General Manager of Multimedia Communication Services for Nortel for over 20 years.

Hugh is graduate of the John A. Walker College of Business, Appalachian State University.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]