Case Study: How to Create a Training Measurement Strategy

Experience one trainer’s journey of creating and implementing a measurement strategy that tracks learner success.

[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1469468301168{margin-top: 40px !important;margin-bottom: -10px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]This 1-hour webinar will explore one trainer’s journey of creating and implementing a measurement strategy that tracks learner success all the way through each Kirkpatrick Level.

At Social Solutions, Jessica Coburn leads a team of trainers responsible for teaching customers how to use their software. When she joined the team, they measured the success of their training with satisfaction surveys after the course. But since the trainers are gregarious, charming people, the satisfaction surveys usually reflected a great training experience without illuminating whether the customer actually learned how to use the Social Solutions software.

In this webinar, Ann McDonald (Director of Training and Development at Mimeo) interviewed Jessica to uncover how she set up a new training strategy including:

  • How Jessica designed a training measurement strategy appropriate for her company
  • How Jessica got buy-in for the measurement strategy from executives and from her team of trainers
  • How Jessica implemented the measurement strategy
  • How the training strategy has impacted the measurement team

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About Our Speaker: Jessica Coburn, Director of Training, Social Solutions

Jessica Coburn is the Director of Training at Social Solutions, where she has grown the team both in size and in function.

Social Solutions Global (SSG), the developers of Efforts to Outcomes (ETO®) and Apricot® software, is the leading provider of outcomes management software for the human services. The software equips nonprofit and government agencies to drive performance by making data useful at all levels, from frontline staff to executive leadership.

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About Our Speaker: Ann McDonald, Director of Talent Development, Mimeo

Ann has over 20 years of experience as a Talent Development leader with a history of consistently improving sales performance and business results through innovative learning and development methods and strategic talent management initiatives. She has a proven track record in providing talent management and learning and development solutions, and in selecting, implementing and leveraging technology to maximize employee engagement and increase learning retention in order to optimize results in sales driven organizations.

At Mimeo, Ann is responsible for leading the strategic direction of all training and development programs and his currently in the process of putting the right tools and systems in place to enhance learning opportunities and improve training impact for all levels of employees from new hires through the executive level.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]