Extend Learning Beyond the Classroom with Digital Media

Learn how to extend learning beyond the classroom by making short digital media content for participants to engage with.

Three weeks after your emotional intelligence class, a participant faces an explosive conflict with a subordinate. She needs the resources you shared in class but can’t remember them.

Sound familiar?

Or another participant wastes forty-five minutes stumbling through Excel because he can’t remember your shortcuts.

Memory retention and providing the resources to apply new skills are critical elements of successful workplace learning. But unless trainers have a coaching relationship with participants, they have little influence after they leave the classroom. Or do they?

There’s an easy way to help make learning stick, and it uses digital media. Today, digital media content is quicker to produce, easier to make and costs next to nothing if you use the affordable devices people already have, like tablets and cell phones.

In this webinar, author and trainer Jonathan Halls took a look at how you can extend your impact beyond the classroom by making short digital media content for participants to engage both before and after their time with you in the classroom.

He discussed how an extended classroom approach using digital media helps participants, shared some of the practical realities of making digital media content, and offered tips for being successful.

This webinar will cover:

  • The limitations of learning that is only in the classroom
  • How a digital media component before and after the face-to-face or virtual classroom can extend learning impact
  • What digital learning content looks like from a practical perspective
  • How to make digital media without breaking the bank

About Our Speaker: Jonathan Halls

Jonathan Halls is an author, speaker and coach. He supports leaders and organizations in talent development (workplace learning), communication effectiveness, and digital media. He is CEO of a training company that delivers development programs for learning professionals. He is an adjunct professor at George Washington University.