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Blended learning is here to stay. Here’s why it is so powerful and how you can incorporate it into your 2022 plans.
The first step is to know the health safety policies governing your space. Most likely, the building managers, human resources, or venue host have already put together robust guidelines for keeping everyone inside safe. If not, you may need to create the policies yourself. Either way, make sure you know the plan for:
On-demand learning allows you to meet learner needs while remaining flexible. It doesn’t have to be the only way you deliver training, but by having it in your arsenal, you can respond to changing circumstances.
Most of the teachers and training professionals have recently had to transform their standard training methods into distance learning in a matter of days.
Use these four secrets to ensure your digital learners get the most from your training content.
Follow this outline so you can showcase your training’s impact on the business.
As Millennials unplug from the digital advertising world, advertisers have to get increasingly creative.
Cloud-based programs allow individuals to create, store and distribute data as needed.
Digital content distribution and online printing solutions provide higher education with an easy way to share documents and receive physical materials.
For many learning and development teams, digital annotations have made a huge impact on training initiatives and overall user collaboration.
Your customers keep your business going. As such, your customer service team is critical to the success, failure, and profitability of your organisation.
A learning community of practice is a great way to add energy to your training programme. Get these 10 tips from Dan Jones, Zurich Insurance, to start one.
Lifelong learning takes on many forms in our personal and professional environment, and while people often struggle to get motivated.
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