How to Distribute Your Content (Mimeo Digital)

Once you have uploaded content to the platform, you are now ready to put together a distribution. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Make sure that you are logged into your Mimeo Digital Command Account ( / /

Step 2: Make sure that all of the files you require for distribution have been uploaded to your account.

Step 3: Locate those files by clicking the Library tab on your navigation bar. If you have created categories for your files, you can access each category by hovering your cursor over the “Library” tab & scrolling to the category of your choice.

Step 4: In order to add files to your distribution, click the “add” button within the “actions” section of each file listing. As you do, the number inside the bubble at the bottom of your screen will increase.

Step 5: When you have finished selecting all of the files you need for distribution, click the bubble to open up your Distribution Settings Window.

Step 6: You should start by giving your distribution a title so that you can locate it easily within your reports tool. At this time you can also make your local printing & file download selections. You can turn each of these on for files individually or for the entire distribution. Once your settings are in place, click “continue” in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 7: To finish up your distribution, you should select your key type (unique or single), number of keys, expiration date, & group notes. Once those selections are made, click “generate keys” in the bottom right-hand corner.

  • A shared key is one key code with multiple uses. You can hand the same code out to multiple people. It will stop being available when all of the uses are reached.
  • A unique key is an individual key code for each user. Once this key is redeemed it is tied to the user and cannot be used by anyone else.
  • If Group Notes are Enabled, each member of the distribution will be able to see all notes taken by other members of the distribution and reply to them.

Step 8: The keys will appear on the final distribution window with the options to “copy key”, “copy link”, or “download CSV”.

  • By copying the key - you can provide users with just the content key that they can redeem within their Mimeo Digital Library.

    (This is a great tool for users with existing accounts.)

  • By copying the link - you can provide the whole URL for the Mimeo Digital Library with the key embedded into it.

    (This is a great tool for brand-new users of the system. It is a one-step process of creating an account. Upon doing so their content will already have been redeemed for them.)*

       * NOTE: This only applies to new users. You cannot provide this link to users with existing accounts.

Step 9: From there you will either take your key + custom URL or link & communicate the information to your end users in the format of your choosing (in person, email, intranet, etc)

  • Always be sure to provide your organization’s custom URL. For example, if your organization’s name is Awesome Enterprises, you most likely asked your Mimeo Rep to name your Mimeo Digital Command org with the same name. Thus your URL would be
  • Just be sure to confirm with your Mimeo Rep regarding the name of your Mimeo Digital org. It will always take the format of

Step 10: If you need any assistance along the way, you can always reach out to a Mimeo Rep via the black help bubble at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. Someone will be able to assist you via live chat.