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5 Statistics About Print Collateral Marketers Should Know

We’ve gathered 5 different statistics to keep in your back pocket for the next time you need to justify print collateral in your marketing mix

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5 Tips for Personalizing Your RFP Cover Letter

A proposal cover letter is a great way to address your bid requester. Learn how to craft a great cover letter for your RFP response.

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How to Scale Your Business with On Demand Print

For startups and small businesses, every decision counts. Learn how on-demand printing is a helpful component in effectively scaling your business.

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Episode 13 Key Takeaways

Eve is a psychology enthusiast and bid winning consultant at BidCraft.

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5 Ways Online Printing Keeps You Resilient (with Real-World Examples)

Here’s why online printing makes it easy to respond to changes in your organization (whether good or bad).

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5 Tips for Managing Remote Learners

Stay agile and better manage your remote learners by implementing these 5 tips and best practices.

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Want to Increase Your RFP Win Rate? Personalize It

Personalizing an RFP response means tailoring each proposal to its specific audience, industry, needs, challenges, and even brand personalities.

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How to Know When to Hire a Training Vendor

Training vendors are your secret weapon. Here’s why, and how, to choose the right partner for you.

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5 Ways to Make Your Brochure More Engaging

Deciding to design a brochure to advertise your company’s product or services is a great way to increase your business visibility.

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Podcast Episode 12 Key Takeaways: Tending to Your Sales Team’s Mental Health

On our latest episode of Talk of the Trade, we sat down with Jeff Riseley to talk about mental health. Founder of the Sales Health Alliance, Riseley is a sales professional who started focusing on the importance of mental health in the work place when he experienced severe panic attacks because of his job. Now, he evangelizes the […]

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3 Ways Hybrid Learning Benefits Both Learners and Instructors

Ever since the pandemic required nearly every workplace to accommodate remote workers, employee training plans converted from in-person workshops to combinations of virtual sessions, face-to-face classrooms, and asynchronous modules. 

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Mimeo Talk of the Trade Podcast Challenges of Remote Sales Development

Why remote sales development reps need a different approach than in-office management

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