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Why Destroying The Office Printer is a Strategic Decision

The office printer frequently serves as an object of frustration and time. What does destroying the office printer demonstrate to your employees?

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8 Common Challenges When Writing Proposals

Here are 8 challenges you can’t avoid when writing proposals, and ways to overcome these challenges.

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5 Skills Your Customer Service Team Needs to Develop

Happy customers are a direct product of great customer service. See what skills are needed for an exceptional customer service experience. 

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Discovery of New YInMn Blue Brings New Shades to Printing

Scientists have discovered a new color. This vibrant shade of blue is remarkable, and more than what meets the eye. Learn how it may change the world.

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What’s the Difference Between Learning and Training?

What’s the difference between learning and training? Learn what to call learning and development audiences: learners, trainees, or something else.

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Setting Training and Policies for Social Media

Social media is an undeniable player in the modern business world. Companies without social media training in place open themselves up to risk.

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How to Implement Crisis Prevention in Training

The Chipotle scandal calls into question practices around food contamination and negative customer experience. Here are crisis aversion training tips.

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Online Printer Mimeo Donates to Teach for America

Mimeo pledged $1 to Teach for America for every person who stopped by our booth at the ATD International Conference and Expo. We raised $5,000!

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4 Biggest Time Wasters and How to Take Your Time Back

Almost every professional would say that time is the most valuable resource in their work. Learn how to stop wasting time and get your schedule back.

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How to Develop Your Tech Talent with Learning & Development

Tech talent must be developed to help organizations run efficiently. Learn how to optimally develop tech talent through training and L&D.

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Why L&D Needs Play, Fun, and Improv

Doug Hutton, VP of Operations at Second City Works, shares why corporate learning and development benefits from improv, adding fun & fostering empathy

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7 Steps to Blend Training for Front of House Staff

Here are 7 steps to develop a blended training program for front of house staff. These steps can retain employees while improving customer service.

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