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How Social Solutions Can Revolutionize Training Measurement

Jessica Coburn shares how she developed a new training measurement matrix to move from utilization metrics to a full Kirkpatrick-style assessment.

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How Retailers Can Improve Their Loss Prevention Strategy

Often, it costs very little to make a big difference to your bottom line in retail.

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Tips to Make Work From Home Work for You

It’s becoming increasingly common for organizations to allow their employees to work from home. But is it right for your organization?

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Solving the Forgetting Curve in L&D with Retrieval Practice

Humans forget information exponentially over time. Learn how to battle the forgetting curve and retain information.

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Staff Training and 4 Other Tips for Retail Loss Prevention

Retail employees are on the front lines of loss prevention. Learn how retail loss prevention training strategies will preserve your profit margins.

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How Apple Gold Group Uses Training Measurement to Win L&D

Reggie Hayes shares how his company, an Applebee’s franchisee, measures their complex training program. Download the full report to learn more.

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7 Types of Bad Presenters: Tips for Better Presentations

Delivery is key in presentations. Learn about 7 bad presenters and how you can avoid becoming one!

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4 Challenges to Channel Sales Enablement

Sales enablement is demanding in a globally dispersed channel partner network. Learn what challenges are associated with channel sales enablement.

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Why Group Interviews Are Best for Retail Sales Jobs

Group interviews provide an easy way to assess retail job candidates. Use these tips when preparing to interview retail sales candidates.

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The Importance of the Pink Team in the Proposal Process

Color-coded proposal reviews are an accepted industry practice. Learn how the Pink Team is essential to a bid’s success and ensures compliance.

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Mimeo Wins Best Advance in Unique Learning Technology

Mimeo won the Brandon Hall Group Bronze Award for Best Advance in Unique Learning Technology.

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