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Learning to Lead: HR Organizations to Join

HR organizations can offer valuable insights into the day-to-day running of your office. Here are few HR organizations that you may consider joining.

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Crash Course in Cybersecurity of Your Learning Tech

Is your learning tech secure? Find out here. Get a crash course in cyber security.

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Kodak’s Brad Kruchten on Print’s Societal Impact & Future

Kodak’s President of Print Systems Division, Brad Kruchten, discusses the Print Industry’s evolution, impact on society, and future.

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Retail Training: The Right Content for In-Store Employees

Deliver engaging content and information for in-store retail training. We show you how in this article.

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Updating HR: Hiring With Blockchain

Blockchain is a technology that is updating HR’s hiring practices. Learn more about how and why HR departments are using blockchain.

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Training Managers to Avoid 5 Common Hazards in Restaurants

Your restaurant atmosphere can greatly impact the guest experience. Here are 5 hazards of a busy restaurant and how to avoid them from reoccurring.

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Do Wellness Programs Save Employers Money?

Many employers offer wellness programs to their employees. Learn why these programs are costly and leave many employers questioning the ROI.

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The Rise & Fall of Quirky Interview Questions in Recruitment

If you’ve interviewed for a job and been asked quirky interview questions, you are not alone. Learn why quirky interview questions became popular.

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6 Simple Ways to Empower Employees

Want a more productive work environment? Empower employees at your workplace. It’s easy with these 6 tips.

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How Measurement Helps the Siemens Training Team

Peter Burdon shares how his training team at Siemens uses measurement to improve the quality of their training. Read the full interview here.

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Use This Infographic on Learning and Retention to Boost L&D

How do we learn? This infographic shows how neuroscience affects perception, learning, and retention. Learn how to get most out of learning sessions.

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How to Develop a Corporate Mentorship Programme From Scratch

In-house corporate mentorship programmes provide a lot of value.

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