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Why Microlearning is the Future of Training

Microlearning is the future of training! Learn why instructors are adapting their training material through microlearning here.

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Three Reasons to Become Scrum Master Certified

Named the hottest job of 2017, scrum masters are becoming an integral part of any team. Learn the benefits of becoming certified here!

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4 Sales Management Skills You Should Focus On

Coaching isn’t the most important skill sales managers should be learning. Learn 4 essential sales management skills that affect ROI and sales teams.

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How Digital Interaction Vastly Changes Across Platforms

Don’t miss out on valuable interaction with your audience. Learn how to adapt your digital content across a variety of devices.

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Start Measuring Your Training this Monday

Measuring training is an essential step to demonstrate corporate learning’s value. Here are 5 steps to boost your training measurement strategy.

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Your Business Cheat Sheet to Setting Goals and Meeting Them

When starting a new professional or personal initiative, setting a clear, achievable goal is imperative to success. Learn how to set goals.

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5 FinTech Technologies Disrupting Consumer Finance

Shape your innovation strategy for the months to come. Here are five disruptive forms of FinTech techology to watch for.

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Outline for How to Better Measure Training

Measuring the impact of corporate training can be a challenge for some organizations. Follow this outline so you can showcase your training’s impact.

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Don’t Need Web-to-Print? You’re Doomed

Learn how Web2Print technology continues to shape the future of the graphics industry.

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Why Print Marketing is Motivating Millennials

As Millennials unplug from the digital advertising world, advertisers have to get more creative. Here are reasons to consider printed materials.

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How to Get Your L&D Learning Community Started

It’s easy to engage your learners by setting up a learning community of practice. Follow these practical steps to start your own learning community.

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3 Questions to Determine the Business Objectives of Training

Make sure your training moves business objectives forward with these 4 questions. Plus, get more tips from in our on-demand webinar on training.

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