How to Upload a PDF (Mimeo Print)

The first step to building a document in Mimeo Print is to upload your print-ready files as PDFs.

How to Upload

From the homepage, simply click “Browse for files.” This will launch your file explorer to locate the PDFs on your computer. 

You can select multiple files at a time from your Explorer. If you want to build a bound document with different sections that are black and white or color, upload each section as its own print file PDF. (Watch the video for how to build a document with multiple files.)

Then hit “upload.” Now you’ll be able to see the status of your files as they upload to your library. 

Once the file finishes uploading, you can start building a document immediately or view the file(s) in your library.

Mimeo Vocabulary:

"File" is the PDF you upload into our library. "Document" is the final product you build such as a binder, notebook, or booklet, which can be comprised of multiple files.