Siemens Cost Savings with Mimeo

Check out this case study to learn how Mimeo delivered cost and time savings, increased productivity, and more to the Siemens RFP Team.

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Siemens’ RFP Team is responsible for producing materials that win critical business for Siemens Medical. Their do-it-yourself process was labor-intensive, time-consuming, error-prone and costly. Plus, close deadlines meant late nights for staff.

  • Labor-intensive document assembly
  • Inconsistent printing and collation


“Mimeo was an obvious choice to print our documents — we can store our standard documentation online, and quickly reorder anytime”.

Mimeo’s online storage library organized the many pieces of Siemens proposals, too.

“Since we started printing our RFP materials with Mimeo, my Team and I have been pleased with the high level of service and quality products, while realizing significant cost savings”.


  • Savings of 40-50% in just hard costs
  • Increased productivity and time savings
  • Higher-quality, easy-to-build RFPs

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When the training department at Siemens adopted the Mimeo solution as well, they also saved money while enjoying the convenience of the streamlined, online process.


Siemens is a multinational engineering and electronics conglomerate with 362,000 employees in 190 countries. With headquarters in Germany, Siemens is Europe’s largest engineering company, and its medical health-care division generates about 12 percent of the company’s total sales.

“It would normally take me a full workday to put 10 binders consisting of over 70 documents together. With Mimeo, it takes less than an hour! And, amazingly enough, we’re saving money.”- Chris S., PACS RFP Manager