5 Ways Your Proposal Team Benefits from Extra Time

Time is an invaluable resource for RFP response teams. Here are 5 ways your proposal team benefits from extra time.

Published on 28 July, 2022 | Last modified on 28 May, 2024
RFP team coworkers collaborating

Creating winning proposals for all of your RFP responses takes knowledge, experience, and plenty of time. Using the right tools when writing an RFP response can save your proposal team hours — if not days — that can be used to improve their own skills, strengthen relationships with clients, and more. 

One of these time-saving tools is the on demand printing service Mimeo. Mimeo is the best place for printing documents online, including printing RFP responses, because of its ease of use and quick turnaround time. 

When RFP response teams need to print and deliver documents, Mimeo can help them save time that can be put to good use. Here are five ways your proposal team can benefit from the extra time Mimeo will give back to them

1. Work Up Until the Last Minute

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What’s more stressful than watching the clock tick down on your proposal’s due date? If you need to have your proposal presentation printed and on the desk of your prospect by the next morning, you could be out of luck if you’re using the wrong online print company.

When your on demand print partner is Mimeo, proposal teams can submit RFP responses up until 10pm EST and still have it land in your prospect’s mail box as early as 8:30am the next day. 

If your proposal team is slammed with RFPs or receives a last minute request, having an extra day or even a few hours could mean the difference between putting together a winning response to RFP or not. 

2. Source New Business  

Using on demand print services instead of conducting proposal and presentation printing in house is a huge time saver. Sales assistants no longer need to print proofs or test pages to make sure everything aligns just right, nor do they need to know how to properly bind their print proposal. 

Presentation printing services like Mimeo show you digital proofs before a print begins, so you know that your proposal will print out correctly. 

Instead, that time can be used to hunt for new business. Sales development representatives (SDRs), account executives, new business teams, and others will have several hours of extra time each month available to do research, conduct cold calls, and improve their email outreach. 

Using all that free time to bring in more requests for proposals can increase overall sales and help your sales teams reach their goals faster. 

3. Conserve Resources  

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All proposal team members can all be focused on creating a winning proposal instead of worrying about getting the final copy to the client when you use an online document printing service. Motorola’s team used to spend 30% of their time standing in front of the printer, which they got back once they started using Mimeo as their on demand proposal printing service.

If you know you have up until the night before a due date to ensure your print presentation is ready for delivery, you can gather your entire proposal team to gain different perspectives and new insights into answering an RFP. 

No one needs to waste time finding the best online document printing services when you already have an on demand print company set up and ready to go. Instead, conserve your resources and use them for what matters most when winning new business.

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4. Nurture Relationships 

Putting together an RFP response that wows the client is important — but so is impressing them with what your company has to offer outside of a questionnaire. 

Since you’re using Mimeo as your business proposal printing service, you’ll have plenty of extra time to dedicate to relationship building. When your prospects and clients get to know you as a potential partner in person, you increase your chances of winning a project. 

Think of it like this: if a restaurant has great food, but terrible service, would you want to go there again? Likely not. Clients want good food and good service — when you take the time to entertain them, you show them they’ll get both. 

5. Take Advantage of Professional Development Resources  

One Fortune 1000 insurance company says they saved nearly 2,000 hours when they used Mimeo as their RFP response printer. If your RFP response team saved that much time, it’s almost 8 business days that instead could be dedicated to improving their skills and knowledge. 

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Mimeo Marketing Team

Mimeo is a global online print provider with a mission to give customers back their time. By combining front and back-end technology with a lean production model, Mimeo is the only company in the industry to guarantee your late-night print order will be produced, shipped, and delivered by 8 am the next morning. For more information, visit mimeo.com and see how Mimeo’s solutions can help you save time today.

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