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How Social Solutions Can Revolutionize Training Measurement

Jessica Coburn shares how she developed a new training measurement matrix to move from utilization metrics to a full Kirkpatrick-style assessment.

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Solving the Forgetting Curve in L&D with Retrieval Practice

Humans forget information exponentially over time. Learn how to battle the forgetting curve and retain information.

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How Apple Gold Group Uses Training Measurement to Win L&D

Reggie Hayes shares how his company, an Applebee’s franchisee, measures their complex training program. Download the full report to learn more.

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7 Types of Bad Presenters: Tips for Better Presentations

Delivery is key in presentations. Learn about 7 bad presenters and how you can avoid becoming one!

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Mimeo Wins Best Advance in Unique Learning Technology

Mimeo won the Brandon Hall Group Bronze Award for Best Advance in Unique Learning Technology.

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Why Empathy Training is Gaining Ground in the Workplace

Learn why creased investment in empathy training and best practices in applying empathy in the workplace can benefit your business.

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The 6 Factors Forcing Change in FinServ’s L&D Efforts

Chris Nekvinda, PhD, from Cannon Financial shares 6 factors forcing the financial services sphere to change its approach to learning and development.

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Gamification Vs. Game-Based Learning

Game-based learning and gamification have revolutionized eLearning practices with the ability to motivate employees in training programs.

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How to Get Executive Buy-In For Your Training Program

Find out the 3 main reasons executives balk at funding your training and arguments you can use to win over their support (and budget).

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3 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Training Course

Anyone in L&D knows the pain of not getting a full budget for what you planned. Learn 3 tricks to saving money so that you can innovate in budget.

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3 Critical Consideration in Finance Training

The finance industry is full of laws and standards. Finance training for employees should include both technology and best practices to be successful.

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10 Tips to Start Your Learning Community of Practice

A learning community of practice is a great way to add energy to your training program. Learn 10 tips from Dan Jones, Zurich Insurance, to start one.

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5 Training Tips Aimed at Millennials

Millennials are a crucial component of today’s workforce and the formulation of your training materials should cater to their learning preferences.

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6 Tips for Training Non-Customer Service Professionals

Customer service should be a priority for all employees. Add these 6 skills to your front of house training for a more customer-service-oriented team.

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6 Tips to Train Your Customer Service Team

A customer service team requires ongoing and efficient training. Let’s take a look at best practices for customer service training programs.

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