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How to Get Your L&D Learning Community Started

It’s easy to engage your learners by setting up a learning community of practice. Follow these practical steps to start your own learning community.

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3 Questions to Determine the Business Objectives of Training

Make sure your training moves business objectives forward with these 4 questions. Plus, get more tips from in our on-demand webinar on training.

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Note Taking and Learning: Digital or Traditional?

When it comes to effectively learning and processing material, read why a pen and paper is the more beneficial way to take notes.

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8 Ingredients for Successful Blended Learning

We asked 8 training experts to share their recipes for blended learning. Learn what you need for successful blended learning as a trainer.

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5 Tips to Make Your Virtual Training More Interactive

Interactive training is key to making your training more memorable. These tricks will help you make your online learning more interactive than ever!

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5 HR Trends to Watch in 2018 as You Consider New Hire L&D

HR professionals are constantly implementing new strategies and policies. Learn about five HR trends to watch in 2018.

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7 Ways to Improve Email Communications For L&D Professionals

Follow these tips to improve email communications and help your message be heard by L&D stakeholders and decision makers.

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How Often Should Retailers Deliver Product Training?

The average consumer is more informed about products thanks to online reviews. Retail training is changing and can help increase engagement.

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Psychology Of Color: Market Your Blog and Writing Better

Learn how the psychology of color should be considered when designing ads, writing blog posts, creating brand colors, and setting up websites.

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Here’s Who is Already Doing Mobile Learning

Are you behind the mobile growth phase of e-learning?

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3 Reasons to Add Digital Content to Your Training

The concept of digital training content is far from foreign in the 21st century.

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6 Foolproof Recipes to Improve Engagement with Blended Content

A blended content strategy is a transitional opportunity between face-to-face and fully digital learning.

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Pros and Cons for Investing in an Event App for A Trade Show

When you are planning a complex event, a major consideration is whether to invest in an event app. Learn the pros and cons of investing in event apps.

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How Training Teams Use Learning Technology

94% of training teams use technology to enhance learning and development. Learn what the most common ways technology enhances training are.

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2017 Top LMS Complaints

Read Mimeo’s State of L&D 2017 research to learn what the top complaints with learning management systems are.

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