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Tips for RFP Response Teams When Evaluating Budgetary Needs

Proposal teams need to appeal to a businesses’ budgetary considerations if they want to win a deal. Here are 4 tips to help win over those penny pinchers.

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How to Create Professional RFP Documents Online (and Save Money Doing It)

How to and why you should create professional RFP documents online — plus, tips to save money doing it.

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How to Make the Most of Your Proposal Budget

Ways to maximize your proposal budget in order to win more business.

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5 Tips to Stay Competitive When Bidding on New Business

Any business can win new clients with the right services, a capable team, and the resources to fulfill the business’s needs. Here’s how to stay competitive.

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5 Ways Your Proposal Team Benefits from Extra Time

Time is an invaluable resource for RFP response teams. Here are 5 ways your proposal team benefits from extra time.

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4 Tools to Help Your RFP Response Shine

Your proposal team works hard to create winning RFPs, but these 4 tools can take them up a level.

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Tips for Retaining Customers with Proposals

Your customer requests that you submit a proposal to retain their business. Here’s why you shouldn’t panic – and what you should do instead.

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5 Tips for Personalizing Your RFP Cover Letter

A proposal cover letter is a great way to address your bid requester. Learn how to craft a great cover letter for your RFP response.

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Episode 13 Key Takeaways

Eve is a psychology enthusiast and bid winning consultant at BidCraft.

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Want to Increase Your RFP Win Rate? Personalize It

Personalizing an RFP response means tailoring each proposal to its specific audience, industry, needs, challenges, and even brand personalities.

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4 Strategies to Make Your Printed Proposal Pop

Printed proposals instill belief in the work that will be done and help foster trust. Learn how to make your printed proposal pop.

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How Effective is Your Current Proposal Process?

Want to win more RFPs? You need to have an effective proposal process. Learn more, and take our quiz to see how your process measures up.

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Your RFP Checklist: See This Before You Submit

Avoid having your RFP response rejected. Find out about, and download, our free RFP response checklist before hitting submit.

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Increase Team Productivity to Win More RFPs

Your team’s efficiency has a lot to do with your RFP win rate. Here are 3 ways to improve your proposal process and win more bids.

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Why You Need a Proposal Template

Read this short article to find out why you need a proposal template. Plus, get a free, downloadable proposal template for Microsoft Word!

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