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The Future of Corporate Learning

We asked corporate learning professionals what roles they think are going to disappear in the next 5 years. Here are their responses, and more.

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Your Business Cheat Sheet to Setting Goals and Meeting Them

When starting a new professional or personal initiative, setting a clear, achievable goal is imperative to success. Learn how to set goals.

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Note Taking and Learning: Digital or Traditional?

When it comes to effectively learning and processing material, read why a pen and paper is the more beneficial way to take notes.

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5 Ways to Reduce Your SaaS Churn with Training & More

A high churn rate is a sign that your SaaS business isn’t doing well. Learn 5 proven methods to drastically reduce your organization’s churn rate.

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Psychology Of Color: Market Your Blog and Writing Better

Learn how the psychology of color should be considered when designing ads, writing blog posts, creating brand colors, and setting up websites.

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7 Types of Bad Presenters You Don’t Want to Be

When it comes to any type of presentation, its delivery is key to success.

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Questions to Ask While Strategizing Talent Development

Learn about key questions to ask while strategizing talent development to find the right candidates while developing culture.

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Be a Better Leader: 6 Steps in Developing Leadership Skills

Why become a leader? Why do people work to become better leaders? Read this article to learn more and for tips on becoming a better leader.

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Why Organizations Embrace Design Thinking for their Content

Learn how design thinking takes design away from designers and puts it at the center of how organizations are structured and communicate.

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What L&D Teams Really Want

As part of our research into the state of L&D, we asked what teams would solve if they could wave a magic wand. Here are some of their answers.

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The State of Mimeo’s Learning & Development Clients in 2016

Following our report with InSync Training, here is a look at the state of learning and development and how Mimeo clients responded.

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6 Resources from the State of Corporate Learning Webinar

Straight from the comments of our State of Corporate Learning webinar, we’re sharing with you the great resources and ideas of our webinar attendees.

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Lou Russell’s 5 Tips on Delivering Valuable E-Content

Is tech blocking your e-content? Here’s a recap from Mimeo’s webinar with Lou Russell, CEO of RMA, on how to deliver valuable e-content.

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The Ultimate Guide to Training Your Tech Support Team

Training is necessary if businesses want to provide the best tech support in their sectors; let’s take a look at how to train these professionals.

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Investor Tim Draper on How Mimeo Stands Out Among Printers

Venture Capitalist and billionaire Tim Draper shared his thoughts about investing, space travel, entrepreneurship, Bitcoin, and online printer Mimeo.

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